I’m Taylor Reiter and I am computational biologist and sequencing data enthusiast. I’m currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in the Greene Lab. I did my PhD with Drs. C. Titus Brown and Ben Montpetit at UC Davis.
I spend my research time:
- Developing assembly graph-based methods to analyze metagenomes and metatranscriptomes, mostly with the software tool spacegraphcats
- Finding ways to make sourmash do more cool things like
I spend my teaching time:
- Instructing and improving Carpentries workshops
- Co-coordinating local communities of practice. I’ve put these efforts on hold during the pandemic, but used to coordinate the Davis R User’s Group and Meet and Analyze Data help sessions
- Writing and instructing other workshops
With my free time I like to:
- Spend time in the Pacific Northwest
- Hike, bike, read, bake, and drink tea
For more, see my CV , publications, or contact me @ReiterTaylor or tereiter@ucdavis.edu.